Our History
CQAFA, formerly known as the Grailville Quilters, was founded in 1991. Early members were inspired by The Grailville Women’s Spiritual Center and the “Zen” of their personal quilting experiences. We strive to recognize and foster the talents and efforts of every artist, whether beginner or master.
The group was renamed Contemporary Quilt and Fiber Artists in 2004. We have members who create artwork in all fiber arts: quilting, weaving, embroidery, knitting and crochet, doll-making, rug-hooking, fabric dyeing, wearable art and beading. They share their work and ideas, and hold workshops to learn new techniques or explore older ones. CQAFA hosts an annual exhibit at the Cincinnati Nature Center in October, as well as shows at other galleries such as the Woman's Art Club Cultural Center ("the Barn").
Our talented members have participated in regional, national and international competitions over the years. The group proudly continues to recognize and share the creative energies and ideals begun in 1991 at Grailville.
2024 Officers
Kim Pickard & Marcia Tuznik, Co-Presidents
Katherine Durak & Diane Glos, Co-Vice-Presidents
Cindy Supe, Secretary
Tonya Dunning, Treasurer
Past Presidents
Judy Levy & Judy Shaffer, 2022-2023
Sally Lloyd & Dionn Tron, 2019-2021
Jennifer Graham & Barbara Stewart, 2017-2018
Robbie Porter & Betsy Terrill, 2015-2016
Rebecca Hosta 2014
Nancy Gamon 2013
Carol Lang 2012
Sandra Ciolino 2010-2011
Cris Fee 2008-2009
Jane Gasper 2007
Nancy Williams 2006
Carrye Kearns 2005
Nancy Morgan 2002-2004
Grailville Quilters:
Casey Collier & Lynn Ticotsky 1998-2001
Sandra German, 1992-1997
Landmark Quilt Project
CQAFA membership decide to produce a large scale group quilt in 2012. This quilt reflected Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky’s neighborhoods, hills and the river. A Project Leader Committee determined the size and format of the final product, and the design was broken into a series of mini quilts each of which reflected a specific topic such as the Museum Center, the river bridges and the Ascent building in N. Ky. Members, working both independently and in small groups, designed their mini quilts and constructed them using a variety of fiber art techniques. The members met twice during construction to see project progress and discuss connections between the parts. Because the final assemblage was an unusual shape, a very large solid black “quilt” was made as the background. The landmark quilts were attached with velcro to the black quilt, and the final (very heavy) assemblage was was hung with a custom hanging rod. The Landmark Quilts were displayed at the International Quilt Festival among other sites.